Posted by: Ken Wheatley | February 2, 2010

Unexpected sadness today

I’ve been doing better, emotionally, the past few weeks but for some reason I’m struggling today about Sheila.

After I got ready for work today I was walking down the hall towards the kitchen and felt drawn to the large engagement photo that has all the signatures and well-wishes people wrote the day of our wedding. I stood there and read all the entries and looked at Sheila’s sweet smile and was overcome with a heartaching sadness at her absence that has stayed with me all day.

It’s almost 1:30 in the morning, and I still can’t go to bed yet. I miss her. I still can’t believe she’s gone.

When I was in Vancouver last week I took a day trip up to Whistler, and I had forgotten that Sheila had been there years earlier with someone else, and it was a place we had talked about visiting together. As I was walking between Whistler and Blackcomb I got tense, sad, and a bit anxious realizing that she may have walked the same path and it was a path that we’d never walk together. So many things that we won’t get to do.


  1. Thinking of you 🙂

  2. Hi Ken,
    Sorry to hear about your sad day. I guess that goes with the territory of the grief process. But it doesn’t make it any easier to realize that. We are still thinking of you often and wish for better days ahead. I think Sheila would want that for you.
    Looking forward to seeing you at IAPSC in a couple months.
    Elliot and Debbie

  3. through these sad moments of time i want to give you a hug………………through these pages of your love for sheila. amen.


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